The brief - Cancer Research UK have hundreds of thousands of donors who have direct debits set up to support their work. Cancer Research UK wanted to give them the ability to manage their donation online and see where their money has gone.
The team needed to understand the needs of these regular donors and create a logged in area that catered for them.
Understanding our donors - We began by surveying regular donors to get an idea of what their expectations were for a logged-in area. We then conducted interviews to understand the needs of this group a bit better, and see whether those needs matched up with their expectations. From this we were able to create personas based on the different behaviours of different types of donors.
After we had a better idea of what our supporters needed, I ran a sketching workshops to help generate ideas from the team on how on how we could fulfill those needs. Getting those ideas onto paper allowed the whole team to contribute to the design solution and helped tease out information which we might otherwise have been unaware of. From this we were able to create a prototype which we tested out with real supporters through usability testing.
Onboarding - We also had the interesting challenge of onboarding our first group of supporters to use the service. For this I facilitated a testing plan workshop in which we decided what we wanted to test for iterating our communications and onboarding journey. We created a plan for A/B testing the sign-up journey so that we had a prioritised list of the tests we thought would create the most value and take the least effort.
The results - A logged in area which allows donors to manage their donation and see where their money goes.
Through speaking to users and testing out the prototype with them, we were able to create an area which is easy for them to use and gives them the features they need.
11% of donors using this logged in area went on to increase their monthly donation by an average of £2.58 and 1% or donors chose to give a one-off donation.