designing ai tools for care agents supporting customers

Understanding user behaviours and pain points to inform how the latest AI technology could support business and customer needs

Research context - What was the problem we were trying to solve
OVO, an energy supplier with over 4 million customers, had a huge and increasing demand for call agents to support customers with their needs.

Due to increases in the cost of electricity, customers reaching out for help had increased 40% year on year, leading to increased agent work loads and poor customer satisfaction.

OVO wanted to explore how they could use artificial intelligence tools (AI) to save agents time, support more customers and improve their satisfaction. 

Key challenges where research could add the most value

  • A solution-first approach - A decision was made to use an AI solution without fully understanding the needs and paint points of the agents involved.

  • An agency brought on board with little context - without much knowledge of the challenges agents faced, there was a risk they would building a solution that didn’t support agent or business needs.

  • A tight delivery timeline - Project timelines were fast and furious! 

My role

  • User research lead on this project

  • Responsible for identifying how user research could inform OVO’s approach

  • Responsible for articulating research goals and research questions to answer

  • Responsible for creating a research plan, conducting research and synthesising key insights back to the team

My approach

  • User research as a team sport - involving the whole team in user research so there was a shared understanding of agents’ needs and behaviours.

  • Support key decision making - By creating easy to understand artifacts explaining user needs and pain points.

  • Test and learn - Given the tight timelines it was important to be able to test design direction quickly and effectively.


  • Ran workshops with teams to identify research questions and riskiest assumptions to explore

  • Organised shadowing sessions with 20 care agents, remote and in person

  • Highlighted key needs of agents through reports and playback sessions

  • Created research artifacts such as an empathy map and a ‘jobs to be done’ map

  • Conducted usability testing sessions to test out tool prototype with agents

Research goals identified

  • Understand how care agents support our customers

  • Understand how they find the information they need to support customers

  • Understand how well their knowledge repository supports them

  • Identify key pain points 

Outputs and artefacts

  • Playback report identifying key insights - to articulate what tasks agents need the most support with

  • Empathy map - to give the whole team a clearer understanding of agents’ behaviours, the tools they used and their biggest pain points

  • ‘Jobs To Be Done’ map - to articulate to the team the key activities agents performed and which of them were being well served or poorly served


  • Ran workshops with teams to identify research questions and riskiest assumptions to explore

  • Organised shadowing sessions with 20 care agents, remote and in person

  • Highlighted key needs of agents through reports and playback sessions

  • Created research artifacts such as an empathy map and a ‘jobs to be done’ map

  • Conducted usability testing sessions to test out tool prototype with agents

Key insights

  • Agents were unclear how and where to pass customers onto specialist teams for additional support

  • There is no single source of information agents can rely on

  • It’s hard to find correct and accurate information in knowledge repository


  • The team used insights to inform how the AI tool would support agents, prioritising allocating cases correctly and highlighting information most valuable to customers’ enquiries.

  • This led to a 20% uplift in correctly allocated customer cases, a huge win for the business and customers.

  • Shared knowledge of key agent pain points led to significantly influencing team’s future priorities.

The results

  • The team used insights to inform how the AI tool would support agents, prioritising allocating cases correctly and highlighting information most valuable to customers’ enquiries.

  • This led to a 20% uplift in correctly allocated customer cases, a huge win for the business and customers.

  • Shared knowledge of key agent pain points led to significantly influencing team’s future priorities.